The two from Emmaus had no idea who they were talking to; they just thought He was some guy from out of town. ‘Where have you been these days?’ they asked. ‘Don’t you know what has been going on?’ As…

The two from Emmaus had no idea who they were talking to; they just thought He was some guy from out of town. ‘Where have you been these days?’ they asked. ‘Don’t you know what has been going on?’ As…
It doesn’t matter where or what God has called you to; what matters is that you are doing what He has called you to do, and you are labouring right where He has placed you. It doesn’t matter if, to…
I can imagine the stunned look on the faces of the two disciples as they sat at the table with the recently vacated seat on the other side. He was gone, but He wasn’t! What hope filled their hearts! What…
The two walking back to Emmaus that day were not only one as husband and wife but both were concerned about the same thing; they both discussed, deliberated and lamented over the same subject. They were going to the same…
You recall the scene in Lord of the Rings where Gandalf finds himself in a lone stand-off with a Balrog, a fiery demon from the sh adow regions. He makes a stand between his companions and this devilish enemy amid…
Have you ever been at the surf beach standing knee-deep in the water when there has been a rip? The drawing strength of that water rushing back out to sea has a very strong pull indeed. You have to work…
The two disciples walked and talked, finding that the person they had known and had followed for so long had been taken from them. They were devastated, to say the least. They knew Him so well, watched Him on every…
The following is a sample chapter from my recently published book entitled, Wanted: Workers for the Work of God: Prepare to be Sent. A Renewed Call for Apostolic Ministry. Those who have heard and responded to the call will have…
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest…
The home of the two disciples was just over 12 kilometres away; the dusty road they traversed led them to their hometown of Emmaus. On the way, they talked about their hopes that had been dashed. Their discouragement was palpable,…
The apostle enters the city, the dust and sweat of miles lingering on his clothes and body. He had endured the heat and the bitter cold of the wilderness. The sound of the jackal’s howl, the wolf’s baying, the viper’s…